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Resiliency & How to Build it in Infant Mental Health

Resiliency & How to Build it in Infant Mental Health by Michaela Myles & Monique Staples The term resiliency, in relation to your infant's mental health, refers to your infant’s ability to “bounce-back” after a stressful event or challenge. Resiliency is observed in people of all ages and it is something that can greatly strengthen one’s mental well-being. From birth to all through life, it is inevitable for people to experience all sorts of distress, trauma, pain, and challenge. Getting through life positively and effectively despite a challenge faced is resiliency.  When we discuss resiliency in infants and how we can encourage and support this growth within infants, we must first reflect on the tendencies of parents and observe the role that their personhood plays in the development of resilience in their child. This can begin before the baby has arrived, and even before the baby is conceived! What can parents do pre-baby to encourage resilience in their infant: Learn h
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What Can Be Done/Interventions:

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Signs of Infant Mental Health Distress & When to See a Doctor

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References by Monique Staples & Michaela Myles   Bethany Hope Centre. (2021). From Cradle to College. Retrieved March 31, 2021, from Buffalo Schools. (n.d.). Questions from the Movie "Inside Out". Retrieved March 31, 2021, from First 5 LA. (2020, August 06). Building Resilience and Decreasing Childhood Trauma. Retrieved April 2, 2021, from Harvard University. (2015, June 19). Retrieved March 31, 2021, from Kelty Mental Health Cetnre. (2021). Infant Mental Health. Retrieved April 2, 2021, from KidCentral TN. (2018). Mental Health & Emotional Health. Retrieved April 2, 2021, from

Community Resources for Parents

Ottawa Community Resources by Monique Staples & Michaela Myles They say it takes a village to raise a child. The same can be said about nurturing strong mental health within your children. It can feel daunting to find all of these resources by yourself to support your family's mental health - it is for this reason we felt we should bring the village to you! Listed below are three incredibly Ottawa based community resources to help you feel supported as you educate your children about their colourful feelings. Bethany Hope Centre 820 Woodroffe Ave, Ottawa, ON K2A 3V7 CA (613) 725-1733 "From Cradle to College - The Bethany Hope Centre exists to improve the well being of pregnant youth and young parent families" (Bethany Hope Centre, 2021, Home Page). The Bethany Hope Centre offers educational, financial, nutritional, and emotional support to the diverse styles of young parent families in Ottawa. Whether you are looking for support for your

Worksheets, Tools, and Resources to Help Your Children Understand Their Colourful Feelings

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Online Resources to Support Your Child’s Mental Health

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