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What Can Be Done/Interventions:

What Can Be Done/Interventions:
by Michaela Myles & Monique Staples

As for most health and mental health issues, it is best to act upon the issue early on. There are basic and simple ways to affect your infant’s mental health positively.

Parents can:
  • Talk, sing, smile, laugh, and make eye contact with your infant
  • Respond quickly to your infant’s needs
  • Learn the different smiles, cries, and cooing of your infant and learn what they mean
  • Provide all essential and basic needs such as clothes and food
  • Give your infant lots of love and attention, especially if your infant is sick, hurt, or upset. (Kelty Mental Health Center, 2021)

How to Build Your Baby’s Mental Health Video:

This masterclass by UNICEF gives you concrete actions to take to promote your baby's mental health (UNICEF, n.d.).

How to build your baby's mental health master class | UNICEF

Listed further on this website are the following blog posts to help you continue your journey of supporting strong mental health and intervening in mental health struggles:

Ottawa Community Resources

Worksheets, Tools, and Resources to Help Your Children Understand Their Colourful Feelings

Online Resources to Support Your Child’s Mental Health

These three posts will provide you and your children with additional support to nurture and encourage a strong mental health focus in your household.

It is also important to be well aware of the signs and symptoms listed in our previous post "Signs of Infant Mental Health Distress and When to See Your Doctor". Your family physician will have many additional supports and resources to refer you to. If you do not have a family physician, contact one of the community resources listed to be connected with a health care professional.

Infant Mental Health can be nurtured and if your child is in distress we have done our best to provided you with tools and resources to reach out to. This way you will be able to intervene and change the course of your child's trajectory.

Be proactive! You have the capacity for an incredible amount of positive impact in your child's life. A strong focus on early mental health interventions will set your children up for a resilient and well-adapted experience in life.


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